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Literature Database

We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication.

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Capacitance response in an aqueous electrolyte of Nb2O5 nanochannel layers anodically grown in pure molten o-H3PO4
By Upadhyay, Kush K.; Cha, Gihoon; Hildebrand, Helga; Schmuki, Patrik; Silva, Teresa M.; Montemor, M. Fatima; Altomare, Marco
Electrochemical performance of MnOx
By Siwek, K. I.; Eug
One-pot synthesis of novel silver-polyaniline-polyvinylpyrrolidone electrocatalysts for efficient oxygen reduction reaction
By Stamenovi?, Una; Gavrilov, Nemanja; Pa
Harnessing the thermogalvanic effect of the ferro/ferricyanide redox couple in a thermally chargeable supercapacitor
By Kundu, Arpan; Fisher, Timothy S.
l-cysteine-assisted synthesis of ruthenium sulfide/thermally reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites: Promising electrode materials for high-performance energy storage applications
By Bolagam, Ravi; Um, Sukkee
Atomic layered deposition iron oxide on perovskite LaNiO3 as an efficient and robust bi-functional catalyst for lithium oxygen batteries
By Gong, Cheng; Zhao, Ling; Li, Shuai; Wang, Huanwen; Gong, Yansheng; Wang, Rui; He, Beibei
Corrosion behaviors and physical properties of polypyrrole-molybdate coating electropolymerized on carbon steel
By Chen, Zhihao; Yang, Wenzhong; Xu, Bin; Guo, Yangyang; Chen, Yun; Yin, Xiaoshuang; Liu, Ying
Modeling assisted evaluation of direct electricity generation from waste heat of wastewater via a thermoelectric generator
By Zou, Shiqiang; Kanimba, Eurydice; Diller, Thomas E.; Tian, Zhiting; He, Zhen
Method for visualizing under-coating corrosion utilizing pH indicators before visible damage
By Uzundal, Can Berk; Ulgut, Burak
Mg-Ca binary alloys as anodes for primary Mg-air batteries
By Deng, Min; H

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