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Literature Database

We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication.

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Determination of C-reactive protein by PAMAM decorated ITO based disposable biosensing system: A new immunosensor design from an old molecule
By Karabo?a, M
Binder free Cu(OH)2/CuO electrodes fabricated directly on copper foils by facile large-scale production method
By Chen, Wenhao; Zhang, Hong; Ma, Zhiyuan; Li, Shuhua; Li, Zhicheng
AgP2/C as an anode for high rate performance lithium-ion batteries
By Zhang, Miao; Hu, Renzong; Liu, Jiangwen; Ouyang, Liuzhang; liu, Jun; Yang, Lichun; Fang, Fang; Zhu, Min
A label-free electrochemical biosensor for direct detection of RACK 1 by using disposable, low-cost and reproducible ITO based electrode
By T
A study of ordered mesoporous carbon doped with Co and Ni as a catalyst of oxygen reduction reaction in both alkaline and acidic media
By Gavrilov, Nemanja; Mom?ilovi?, Milan; Dobrota, Ana S.; Stankovi?, Dalibor M.; Joki?, Bojan; Babi?, Biljana; Skorodumova, Natalia V.; Mentus, Slavko V.; Pa
Synthesis of biofunctional coating for a TiZr alloy: Surface, electrochemical, and biological characterizations
By Cordeiro, Jairo M.; Pantaroto, Heloisa N.; Paschoaleto, Emanuella M.; Rangel, Elidiane C.; Cruz, Nilson C. da; Sukotjo, Cortino; Bar
Stability of nano-hydroxyapatite thin coatings at liquid/solid interface
By Fernando, Nimshi L.; Kottegoda, Nilwala; Jayanetti, Sumedha; Karunaratne, Veranja; Jayasundara, Dilushan R.
Photophysical and electrochemical properties of oligothiophene in non-polymeric and polymeric solvents
By Sardar, Soumen; Koley, Riya; Ghorai, Uttam Kumar; Pal, Abhijit; Sengupta, Srijoni; Roy, Indranil; Bandyopadhyay, Abhijit
Effect of SO2 content on SCC behavior of E690 high-strength steel in SO2-polluted marine atmosphere
By Ma, Hongchi; Du, Cuiwei; Liu, Zhiyong; Li, Xiaogang
Understanding the energy level matching relationships between semiconductor photocatalysts and organic pollutants for effective photocatalytic degradations
By Tong, Haixia; Zhan, Xiaojun; Tian, Xiong; Li, Junhua; Qian, Dong; Wu, Daoxin

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