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Literature Database

We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication.

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Synthetic Insights into Surface Functionalization of Si(111)
By Pekarek, Ryan T.; Celio, Hugo; Rose, Michael J.
Reductive O2 Binding at a Dihydride Complex Leading to Redox Interconvertible ?-1,2-Peroxo and ?-1,2-Superoxo Dinickel(II) Intermediates
By Duan, Peng-Cheng; Manz, Dennis-Helmut; Dechert, Sebastian; Demeshko, Serhiy; Meyer, Franc
Study of Corrosion Effects of Oxidized Ethanol
By Mat?jovsk
Properties of Site-Specifically Incorporated 3-Aminotyrosine in Proteins To Study Redox-Active Tyrosines: Escherichia coli Ribonucleotide Reductase as a Paradigm
By Lee, Wankyu; Kasanmascheff, M
Novel Sulfonated Co-poly(ether imide)s Containing Trifluoromethyl, Fluorenyl and Hydroxyl Groups for Enhanced Proton Exchange Membrane Properties: Application in Microbial Fuel Cell
By Kumar, Anaparthi Ganesh; Singh, Asheesh; Komber, Hartmut; Voit, Brigitte; Tiwari, Bikash Ranjan; Noori, Md. Tabish; Ghangrekar, Makarand M.; Banerjee, Susanta
Li Distribution Heterogeneity in Solid Electrolyte Li10GeP2S12 upon Electrochemical Cycling Probed by 7Li MRI
By Chien, Po-Hsiu; Feng, Xuyong; Tang, Mingxue; Rosenberg, Jens T.; O
Gravimetric, Electrochemical, Surface Morphology, DFT, and Monte Carlo Simulation Studies on Three N-Substituted 2-Aminopyridine Derivatives as Corrosion Inhibitors of Mild Steel in Acidic Medium
By Verma, Chandrabhan; Olasunkanmi, Lukman O.; Quadri, Taiwo W.; Sherif, El-Sayed M.; Ebenso, Eno E.
Au Dendrite Electrocatalysts for CO2 Electrolysis
By Nesbitt, Nathan T.; Ma, Ming; Trze?niewski, Bartek J.; Jaszewski, Samantha; Tafti, Fazel; Burns, Michael J.; Smith, Wilson A.; Naughton, Michael J.
Microwave-Induced Synthesis of Chitosan Schiff Bases and Their Application as Novel and Green Corrosion Inhibitors: Experimental and Theoretical Approach
By Haque, Jiyaul; Srivastava, Vandana; Chauhan, Dheeraj S.; Lgaz, Hassane; Quraishi, Mumtaz A.
Small-Molecule Patterning via Prefunctionalized Alkanethiols
By Cao, Huan H.; Nakatsuka, Nako; Deshayes, Stephanie; Abendroth, John M.; Yang, Hongyan; Weiss, Paul S.; Kasko, Andrea M.; Andrews, Anne M.

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