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Literature Database

We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication.

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
High capacity polycarbazole-sulfur cathode for use in lithium-sulfur batteries
By Ramezanitaghartapeh, Mohammad; Hollenkamp, Anthony F.; Musameh, Mustafa; Mahon, Peter J.
Electrodeposition of cobalt-manganese oxide selective coatings for solar-thermal applications
By Cetina-Dorantes, M.; Lizama-Tzec, F. I.; Estrella-Gutiérrez, M. A.; Herrera-Zamora, D. M.; Arés-Muzio, O.; Oskam, G.
Crack-free single-crystal LiNi0.83Co0.10Mn0.07O2 as cycling/thermal stable cathode materials for high-voltage lithium-ion batteries
By Pang, Peipei; Tan, Xinxin; Wang, Zheng; Cai, Zhiju; Nan, Junmin; Xing, Zhenyu; Li, Hong
Cerium phosphate-based inhibitor for smart corrosion protection of WE43 magnesium alloy
By Calado, Lénia M.; Taryba, Maryna G.; Morozov, Yegor; Carmezim, Maria J.; Montemor, M. F.
An assessment of intrinsic noise of pseudo-reference electrodes and instrumental noise to enable reliable electrochemical noise measurements in situ on organically coated metal
By Jamali, Sina S.; Mills, Douglas
Anodic polarization creates an electrocatalytically active Ni anode/electrolyte interface and mitigates the coarsening of Ni phase in SOFC
By Zou, Yuanfeng; Lin, Taicheng; Sun, Yi; Chen, Zhiyi; Guan, Chengzhi; Li, Yang; Jiang, San Ping; Ai, Na; Chen, Kongfa
Probing the effect of Mg doping on triclinic Na2Mn3O7 transition metal oxide as cathode material for sodium-ion batteries
By Siriwardena, Dumindu P.; Fernando, Joseph F. S.; Wang, Tony; Firestein, Konstantin L.; Zhang, Chao; Brand, Helen E. A.; Jones, Michael W. M.; Kewish, Cameron M.; Berntsen, Peter; Jenkins, Tristram; Lewis, Courtney-Elyce M.; Treifeldt, Joel E. von; Dubal, Deepak P.; Golberg, Dmitri V.
W-induced morphological modification of NiFe layered double hydroxides as efficient electrocatalysts for overall water splitting
By Ding, Lei; Li, Kui; Xie, Zhiqiang; Yang, Gaoqiang; Yu, Shule; Wang, Weitian; Cullen, David A.; Yu, Haoran; Zhang, FengYuan
Effect of dissolved oxygen, temperature, and pH on polarization behavior of carbon steel in simulated concrete pore solution
By Liu, Xiahe; MacDonald, Digby D.; Wang, Mei; Xu, Yi
Polydopamine coated Si nanoparticles allow for improved mechanical and electrochemical stability
By Ahuja, Utkarsh; Wang, Bo; Hu, Pu; Rethore, Julien; Aifantis, Katerina E.

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