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Literature Database

We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication.

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
On the Integration of Dielectrometry into Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy to Obtain Characteristic Properties of a Dielectric Thin Film
By Benedikt Sapotta, Matthias Schwotzer, Christof Wöll, and Matthias Franzreb
Selective electrochemical oxidative coupling of methane mediated by Sr2Fe1.5Mo0.5O6-δ and its chemical stability
By Kannan P. Ramaiyan, Luke H. Denoyer, Angelica Benavidez & Fernando H. Garzon
In-situ construction of C-S-Zn structures on Enteromorpha-based porous carbon for efficient oxygen reduction reaction
By Deng, Wenan; Huang, Tianxiang; Li, Chuan; Zhang, Lifu; Huang, Zhaodi; Sun, Jianpeng; Hu, Zhenpeng; Dai, Fangna
Synthesis and Electropolymerization of Donor-Acceptor-Donor Type Monomers based on Azobenzene-substituted thieno[3,4-c]pyrrole-4,6-dione Acceptors
By Çakal, Deniz; Cihaner, Atilla; Önal, Ahmet M.
The influence of current and potential distribution on the measurement of dielectric permittivity
By Dizon, Arthur; You, Chen; Orazem, Mark E.
M.A.T.H: Methanol vapor analytics through handheld sensing platform
By Banga, Ivneet; Paul, Anirban; Sardesai, Abha Umesh; Muthukumar, Sriram; Prasad, Shalini
An electrochemical study of hydrogen in molten 2LiF-BeF2 (FLiBe) with addition of LiH
By Carotti, Francesco; Liu, Ertai; Macdonald, Digby D.; Scarlat, Raluca O.
Excellent ion selectivity of Nafion membrane modified by PBI via acid-base pair effect for vanadium flow battery
By Zhao, Yingying; Zhang, Denghua; Zhao, Lina; Wang, Shaoliang; Liu, Jianguo; Yan, Chuanwei
Exploring multivalent cations-based electrolytes for CO2 electroreduction
By Bhargava, Saket S.; Cofell, Emiliana R.; Chumble, Prithviraj; Azmoodeh, Daniel; Someshwar, Sujay; Kenis, Paul J. A.
Synthesis and characterization of nano-sized LiFePO4 by using consecutive combination of sol-gel and hydrothermal methods
By Alsamet, Mohammed A. M. M.; Burgaz, Engin

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