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Literature Database

We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication.

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Sliding tribocorrosion behavior of Fe-based bulk metallic glass under corrosive environments
By Liang, D. D.; Wei, X. S.; Ma, T. C.; Chen, B.; Jiang, H. R.; Dong, Y.; Shen, J.
Comparative Assessment of the Degradation Behaviour of API 5l X65 And Micro-Alloyed Steels in E20 Simulated Fuel Ethanol Environment
By Joseph, O. O.; Loto, C. A.; Joseph, O. O.; Dirisu, J. O.
Pyrazine derivatives as green oil field corrosion inhibitors for steel
By Obot, I. B.; Umoren, S. A.; Ankah, N. K.
Rapid and label-free, electrochemical DNA detection utilizing the oxidase-mimicking activity of cerium oxide nanoparticles
By Kim, Hyo Yong; Ahn, Jun Ki; Kim, Moon Il; Park, Ki Soo; Park, Hyun Gyu
Hydrogen titanates acting as inhibitor reservoirs and application in epoxy coatings
By Mao, Junwei; He, Xiaohong; Cao, Ziyi; Tang, Yongming
Optimizing electrospinning-hydrothermal hybrid process based on Taguchi method for modulation of point defects in ZnO micro/nano arrays towards photoelectronic application
By Xia, Yong; Zhao, Libo; Luo, Yunyun; Hebibul, Rahman; Wang, Jiuhong; Li, Lei; Luo, Guoxi; Zhou, Xiangyang; Jiang, Zhuangde
Synthesis and characterization of Na-substituted LiMnPO4 as a cathode material for improved lithium ion batteries
By Khalfaouy, Redouan El; Addaou, Abdellah; Laajeb, Ali; Lahsini, Ahmed
XPS and DFT investigations of corrosion inhibition of substituted benzylidene Schiff bases on mild steel in hydrochloric acid
By Hashim, Nor Zakiah Nor; Anouar, El Hassane; Kassim, Karimah; Zaki, Hamizah Mohd; Alharthi, Abdulrahman I.; Embong, Zaidi
Efficiency enhancement of electrochromic performance in NiO thin film via Cu doping for energy-saving potential
By Firat, Y. E.; Peksoz, A.
Significant enhancement of electron transfer from Shewanella oneidensis using a porous N-doped carbon cloth in a bioelectrochemical system
By Yuan, Hao-Ran; Deng, Li-Fang; Qian, Xin; Wang, Lu-Feng; Li, De-Nian; Chen, Yong; Yuan, Yong

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