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Literature Database

We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication.

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Release behavior of pH sensitive microcapsules containing corrosion inhibitor
By Matsuda, Takeshi; Jadhav, Niteen; Kashi, Kiran B.; Jensen, Mark; Gelling, Victoria J.
Acceptor-doped La1.9M0.1Ce2O7 (M = Nd, Sm, Dy, Y, In) proton ceramics and in-situ formed electron-blocking layer for solid oxide fuel cells applications
By Zhang, Bo; Zhong, Zhibing; Tu, Taiping; Wu, Kewen; Peng, Kaiping
Electrochemical immunosensor for CDH22 biomarker based on benzaldehyde substituted poly(phosphazene) modified disposable ITO electrode: A new fabrication strategy for biosensors
By Ayd?n, Muhammet; Ayd?n, Elif Burcu; Sezgint
Compositional optimization of ceramic composite electrodes without metal catalysts for steam and CO2 electrolysis
By Erdienzy, Anggia; Yoon, Sung-Eun; Parveen, Asrafali Shakila; Park, Jong-Sung
Theoretical Modeling of methane production in pressurized micro-tubular R-SOFC
By Chen, Yanbo; Luo, Yu; Shi, Yixiang; Cai, Ningsheng
Pulsed laser deposition of nickel oxide films with improved optical properties to functionalize solar light absorbing photoanodes and very low overpotential for water oxidation catalysis
By Mazzi, Alberto; Orlandi, Michele; Bazzanella, Nicola; Popat, Yaksh J.; Minati, Luca; Speranza, Giorgio; Miotello, Antonio
Thermal impact on (001) faceted anatase TiO2 microtablets and nanowalls's lattices and its effect on the photon to current conversion efficiency
By Dahlan, Dahyunir; Ramli, Muhamad Adam; Fiqrian, Khudbatul; Saad, Siti Khatijah Md; Oyama, Munetaka; Umar, Akrajas Ali
Effects of TiO2 doping on Li+-stabilized Na-??-alumina for energy storage applications
By Dirksen, C. L.; Skadell, K.; Schulz, M.; Stelter, M.
Development of a novel micro biosensor for in vivo monitoring of glutamate release in the brain
By Ganesana, Mallikarjunarao; Trikantzopoulos, Elefterios; Maniar, Yash; Lee, Scott T.; Venton, B. Jill
Corrosion inhibition characteristics of 2-[(E)-[5-methoxy-1-[4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]pentylidene]amino]oxyethanamine on steel in simulated oilfield acidizing solution
By Ituen, Ekemini; Akaranta, Onyewuchi; James, Abosede

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