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Literature Database

We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication.

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Understanding the origin of high corrosion inhibition efficiency of bee products towards aluminium alloys in alkaline environments
By Ryl, Jacek; Wysocka, Joanna; Cieslik, Mateusz; Gerengi, Husnu; Ossowski, Tadeusz; Krakowiak, Stefan; Niedzialkowski, Pawel
Effect of carbon nanofibers on electrode performance of symmetric supercapcitors with composite ?-MnO2 nanorods
By Rao, T. Prasada; Kumar, Ajay; Naik, Vaman M.; Naik, Ratna
Tribocorrosion of Polyethylene/Cobalt Contact Combined with Real-Time Fluorescence Assays on Living Macrophages: Development of A Multidisciplinary Biotribocorrosion Device
By Impergre, A.; Trunfio-Sfarghiu, A. M.; Der-Loughian, C.; Brizuela, L.; Mebarek, S.; Ter-Ovanessian, B.; Bel-Brunon, A.; Berthier, Y.; Normand, B.
An amorphous nanoporous PdCuNi-S hybrid electrocatalyst for highly efficient hydrogen production
By Yang, Xinxin; Xu, Wence; Cao, Shuo; Zhu, Shengli; Liang, Yanqin; Cui, Zhenduo; Yang, Xianjin; Li, Zhaoyang; Wu, Shuilin; Inoue, Akihisa; Chen, Luyang
Additively manufactured 316L stainless steel with improved corrosion resistance and biological response for biomedical applications
By Lodhi, M. J. K.; Deen, K. M.; Greenlee-Wacker, M. C.; Haider, Waseem
Preparation and electrocatalytic performance of nanoporous Pd/Sn and Pd/Sn-CuO composite catalysts
By Zhou, Yiyang; Niu, Mengying; Zhu, Shengli; Liang, Yanqin; Cui, Zhenduo; Yang, Xianjin; Inoue, Akihisa
Polyaniline-SrTiO3 nanocube based binary nanocomposite as highly stable electrode material for high performance supercapaterry
By Shahabuddin, Syed; Numan, Arshid; Shahid, Muhammad Mehmood; Khanam, Rashmin; Saidur, R.; Pandey, A. K.; Ramesh, S.
Electricity generation from sweet potato-shochu waste using microbial fuel cells
By Iigatani, Reo; Ito, Toshihiro; Watanabe, Fumiko; Nagamine, Miyuki; Suzuki, Yoshihiro; Inoue, Kengo
The effect of Fe as constituent in Ni-base alloys on the oxygen evolution reaction in alkaline solutions at high current densities
By Rauscher, Thomas; Bern
Experimental observation of phenomena developing on ion-exchange systems during current-voltage curve measurement
By Bello?, Tom

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