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Literature Database

We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication.

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Effects of graphene on structure and corrosion resistance of plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings formed on D16T Al alloy
By Liu, Wanying; Liu, Ying; Lin, Yuanhua; Zhang, Zhi; Feng, Shaobo; Talha, Mohd; Shi, Yunsheng; Shi, Taihe
Chapter 16 - Processing and Applications of CNT Sheets in Advanced Composite Materials
By Malik, Rachit; McConnell, Colin; Zhang, Lu; Borgemenke, Ryan; Kleismit, Richard; Wolf, Robert; Haase, Mark R.; Hsieh, Yu-Yun; Noga, Ryan; Alvarez, Noe; Mast, David; Shanov, Vesselin
Fast-charging effects on ageing for energy-optimized automotive LiNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2/graphite prismatic lithium-ion cells
By Mussa, Abdilbari Shifa; Liivat, Anti; Marzano, Fernanda; Klett, Matilda; Philippe, Bertrand; Tengstedt, Carl; Lindbergh, G
Synthesis of CeO2/reduced graphene oxide nanocomposite for electrochemical determination of ascorbic acid and dopamine and for photocatalytic applications
By Murali, A.; Lan, Y. P.; Sarswat, P. K.; Free, M. L.
Synergistic effects of corrosion and slow strain rate loading on the mechanical and electrochemical response of an aluminium alloy
By Zheng, Xinzhu; Castaneda, Homero; Gao, Huajian; Srivastava, Ankit
Electrospun tri-layer membranes for H2/Air fuel cells
By Powers, Devon; Wycisk, Ryszard; Pintauro, Peter N.
Effect of zinc on the environmentally-assisted fatigue behavior of 316 stainless steels in simulated PWR primary environment
By Kim, Ho-Sub; Lee, Hyeon Bae; Chen, Junjie; Jang, Changheui; Kim, Tae Soon; Stevens, Gary L.; Ahluwalia, Kawaljit
Removal of metal ions using metal-flavonoid-DNA adduct protocol
By Jabeen, Erum; Janjua, Naveed Kausar; Ahmed, Safeer
Inside the electrode: Looking at cycling products in Li/O2 batteries
By Augustin, Matthias; Vullum, Per Erik; Vullum-Bruer, Fride; Svensson, Ann Mari
Rapid quantitative spectroelectrochemical responses of hydrogel-based sensors for the in situ evaluation of corrosion inhibitors on steel
By Price, Capri A.; Clare, Tami Lasseter

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