Literature Database
We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication.
If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and link and we will gladly add it to our database.
Publication |
Date |
Electrogenerated hydrophilic carbon nanomaterials with tailored electrocatalytic activity
By Meirinho, S. G.; Ferraria, A. M.; Rego, A. M. Botelho do; Fernandes, A. J. S.; Viana, A. S.; Oliveira, M. C.
2019 |
Influence of the Nafion agglomerate morphology on the water-uptake behavior and fuel cell performance in the proton exchange membrane fuel cells
By Kim, Tae-Hyun; Yoo, Jung Hun; Maiyalagan, T.; Yi, Sung-Chul
2019 |
Corrosion behaviour of non-ferrous metals embedded in mortar
By Duff
2019 |
Membrane-free electrochemical deoxygenation of aqueous solutions using symmetric activated carbon electrodes in flow-through cells
By Holubowitch, Nicolas E.; Omosebi, Ayokunle; Gao, Xin; Landon, James; Liu, Kunlei
2019 |
Promoting polythionate intermediates formation by oxygen-deficient manganese oxide hollow nanospheres for high performance lithium-sulfur batteries
By Wu, Jiawen; Ma, Qingyan; Lian, Cheng; Yuan, Yuan; Long, Donghui
2019 |
Selectivity improvement towards hydrogen and oxygen of solid electrolyte sensors by dynamic electrochemical methods
By Ruchets, Anastasiya; Donker, Nils; Sch
2019 |
A poly(butyl methacrylate)/graphene oxide/TiO2 nanocomposite coating with superior corrosion protection for AZ31 alloy in chloride solution
By Nazeer, Ahmed Abdel; Al-Hetlani, Entesar; Amin, Mohamed O.; Qui
2019 |
The wear characteristics of CeO2 containing nanocomposite coating made by aluminate-based PEO on AM 50 magnesium alloy
By Atapour, M.; Blawert, C.; Zheludkevich, M. L.
2019 |
In-situ monitoring of corrosion-induced expansion and mass loss of steel bar in steel fiber reinforced concrete using a distributed fiber optic sensor
By Fan, Liang; Bao, Yi; Meng, Weina; Chen, Genda
2019 |
Inhibition of X80 steel corrosion in oilfield acidizing environment using 3-(2-chloro-5,6-dihydrobenzo[b][1]benzazepin-11-yl)-N,N-dimethylpropan-1-amine and its blends
By Ituen, Ekemini B.; Asuquo, James E.
2019 |