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Literature Database

We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication.

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
A novel cooling structure with a matrix block of microfibrous media / phase change materials for heat transfer enhancement in high power Li-ion battery packs
By Zhu, Wenhua H.; Yang, Hongyun; Webb, Kylie; Barron, Troy; Dimick, Paul; Tatarchuk, Bruce J.
Laser structured nickel-iron electrodes for oxygen evolution in alkaline water electrolysis
By Koj, Matthias; Gimpel, Thomas; Schade, Wolfgang; Turek, Thomas
Robust alkyd/exfoliated graphene oxide nanocomposite as a surface coating
By Selim, Mohamed S.; El-Safty, Sherif A.; Shenashen, Mohamed A.; El-Sockary, Maher A.; Elenien, Ossama M. Abo; EL-Saeed, Ashraf M.
Study on corrosion behavior of low carbon steel under different water conditions in bentonite of China-Mock-Up
By Wei, Xin; Liu, Yuemiao; Dong, Junhua; Cao, Shengfei; Xie, Jingli; Chen, Nan; Xue, Fang; Wang, Changgang; Ke, Wei
An integrated approach to evaluating the effect of associated minerals on copper ammoniacal thiosulfate leaching of a gold
By Tamayo, Jos
Contrasting initial events of localized corrosion on surfaces of 2219-T42 and 6061-T6 aluminum alloys exposed in Caribbean seawater
By ACOSTA, Gloria; VELEVA, Lucien; L
The effect of ore mineralogy on the electrochemical gold dissolution behavior in various cyanide and oxygen concentrations; Effect of sulfidic ores containing heavy metals
By Kim, Rina; Ghahreman, Ahmad
Energetics of electrochemically mediated amine regeneration process for flue gas CO2 capture
By Wang, Miao; Hariharan, Subrahmaniam; Shaw, Ryan A.; Hatton, T. Alan
One step synthesis of AgClNPs/PANI/D-dextrose nanocomposite by interfacial polymerization method and its catalytic and photocatalytic applications
By Prabakaran, Eswaran; Pillay, Kriveshini
Fouling of a heterogeneous anion-exchange membrane and single anion-exchange resin particle by ssDNA manifests differently
By Bello?, Tom

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