Literature Database
We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication.
If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and link and we will gladly add it to our database.
Publication |
Date |
Chapter 15 - Pyrolysis of Derivatives of Carbonic Acid With Nitrogenous Functionalities
By Moldoveanu, Serban C.
2019 |
The electrochemical properties of alloy 690 in simulated pressurized water reactor primary water: Part I, effect of temperature
By Yang, Jie; Li, Yanhui; Xu, Aoni; Fekete, Balazs; Macdonald, Digby D.
2019 |
The alkaline transition of cytochrome c revisited: Effects of electrostatic interactions and tyrosine nitration on the reaction dynamics
By Oviedo-Rouco, Santiago; Castro, Mar
2019 |
A review of DC/DC converter-based electrochemical impedance spectroscopy for fuel cell electric vehicles
By Wang, Hanqing; Gaillard, Arnaud; Hissel, Daniel
2019 |
Influence of native oxide film age on the passivation of carbon steel in neutral aqueous solutions with a dicarboxylic acid
By Chan-Rosado, G.; Pech-Canul, M. A.
2019 |
Facile synthesis of graphene-wrapped porous MnCO3 microspheres with enhanced surface capacitive effects for superior lithium storage
By Ruan, Songju; Ma, Cheng; Wang, Jitong; Qiao, Wenming; Ling, Licheng
2019 |
Effects of hydrogen and stress on the electrochemical and passivation behaviour of 304 stainless steel in simulated PEMFC environment
By Wang, Xian-Zong; Luo, Hong; Luo, Jing-Li
2019 |
A dual-layered artificial solid electrolyte interphase formed by controlled electrochemical reduction of LiTFSI/DME-LiNO3 for dendrite-free lithium metal anode
By Zhang, Chunqing; Lan, Qing; Liu, Yutao; Wu, Jiliang; Shao, Huixia; Zhan, Hui; Yang, Yifu
2019 |
Effect of weld thermal cycle on metallurgical and corrosion behavior of friction stir weld joint of AA2014 aluminium alloy
By Sinhmar, Sunil; Dwivedi, Dheerendra Kumar
2019 |
Electrochemical behavior of InSb thin films with different crystal structure in alkaline solution
By Gilek, Dominika; Brz
2019 |