Literature Database
We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication.
If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and link and we will gladly add it to our database.
Publication |
Date |
Direct Z-scheme 2D/2D MnIn2S4/g-C3N4 architectures with highly efficient photocatalytic activities towards treatment of pharmaceutical wastewater and hydrogen evolution
By Chen, Wei; He, Zhi-Cai; Huang, Guo-Bo; Wu, Cheng-Lin; Chen, Wu-Fei; Liu, Xiao-Heng
2019 |
Fabrication and characterization of polypyrrole coatings by embedding antimony modified SnO2 nanoparticles
By Chen, Zhihao; Jin, Yijie; Yang, Wenzhong; Xu, Bin; Chen, Yun; Yin, Xiaoshuang; Liu, Ying
2019 |
Passivity of martensitic stainless steel in borate buffer solution: Influence of sulfide ion
By Lei, Xiaowei; Wang, Hongyan; Wang, Nan; Ren, Dazhong; Fu, Anqing; Yin, Chengxian; Zhang, Junping; Feng, Yaorong; Macdonald, Digby D.
2019 |
The influence of oxygen vacancy concentration in nanodispersed non-stoichiometric CeO2-? oxides on the physico-chemical properties of conducting polyaniline/CeO2 composites
By Kuzmanovi?, Bojana; Vujkovi?, Milica J.; Tomi?, Nata
2019 |
Thermal activation of impedance measurements on an epoxy coating for the corrosion protection: 2. electrochemical impedance spectroscopy study
By Roggero, Aur
2019 |
Hierarchical bi-continuous Pt decorated nanoporous Au-Sn alloy on carbon fiber paper for ascorbic acid, dopamine and uric acid simultaneous sensing
By Yang, Han; Zhao, Jie; Qiu, Meijia; Sun, Peng; Han, Dongxue; Niu, Li; Cui, Guofeng
2019 |
PdNi alloy nanoparticles assembled on cobalt ferrite-carbon black composite as a fuel cell catalyst
By Martins, Marta; Metin,
2019 |
Core-shell structured Pt-transition metals nanoparticles supported on activated carbon for direct methanol fuel cells
By El-Khatib, K. M.; Hameed, R. M. Abdel; Amin, R. S.; Fetohi, Amani E.
2019 |
Linear polyethylenimine-decorated gold nanoparticles: One-step electrodeposition and studies of interaction with viral and animal proteins
By L
2019 |
An effective electrocatalyst based on platinum nanoparticles supported with graphene nanoplatelets and carbon black hybrid for PEM fuel cells
By Arici, Ece; Kaplan, Begum Yarar; Mert, Ahmet Musap; Gursel, Selmiye Alkan; Kinayyigit, Solen
2019 |