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Literature Database

We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication.

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Applications of lignin-derived catalysts for green synthesis
By Zhu, Yuting; Li, Zhijing; Chen, Jinzhu
A novel thermal-tuning Fe-based amorphous alloy for automatically recycled methylene blue degradation
By Yang, Weiming; Wang, Qianqian; Li, Wenyu; Xue, Lin; Liu, Haishun; Zhou, Jing; Mo, Jinyong; Shen, Baolong
Localized corrosion behavior of a single-phase non-equimolar high entropy alloy
By Li, Tianshu; Swanson, Orion J.; Frankel, G. S.; Gerard, Angela Y.; Lu, Pin; Saal, James E.; Scully, J. R.
Enhanced electron transfer properties of NiO thin film for the efficient detection of urea
By Tyagi, Manisha; Tomar, Monika; Gupta, Vinay
Antibacterial durability and biocompatibility of antibacterial-passivated 316L stainless steel in simulated physiological environment
By Zhao, Jinlong; Zhai, Zhaofeng; Sun, Da; Yang, Chunguang; Zhang, Xinrui; Huang, Nan; Jiang, Xin; Yang, Ke
Electrochemical synthesis of PPy composites with nanostructured MnOx, CoOx, NiOx, and FeOx in acetonitrile for supercapacitor applications
By Karaca, Erhan; G
Nickel-cobalt oxide modified with reduced graphene oxide: Performance and degradation for energy storage applications
By Ad
A complementary experimental and in silico studies on the action of fluorophenyl?2,2??bichalcophenes as ecofriendly corrosion inhibitors and biocide agents
By Abousalem, Ashraf S.; Ismail, Mohamed A.; Fouda, Abdelaziz S.
The durability of the thermally decomposed IrO2-Ta2O5 coated titanium anode in a sulfate solution
By Xu, Wenting; Haarberg, Geir Martin; Seland, Frode; Sunde, Svein; Ratvik, Arne Petter; Holmin, Susanne; Gustavsson, John; Afvander,
Compact and low loss electrochemical capacitors using a graphite / carbon nanotube hybrid material for miniaturized systems
By Li, Qi; Sun, Shuangxi; Smith, Anderson D.; Lundgren, Per; Fu, Yifeng; Su, Peng; Xu, Tao; Ye, Lilei; Sun, Litao; Liu, Johan; Enoksson, Peter

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