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Literature Database

We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication.

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Effect of electroless bath composition on the mechanical, chemical, and electrochemical properties of new NiP
By Fayyad, Eman M.; Abdullah, Aboubakr M.; Mohamed, Adel M. A.; Jarjoura, George; Farhat, Zoheir; Hassan, Mohammad K.
Effect of tin addition on corrosion behavior of a low-alloy steel in simulated costal-industrial atmosphere
By Liu, Bo; Mu, Xin; Yang, Ying; Hao, Long; Ding, Xueyong; Dong, Junhua; Zhang, Zhe; Hou, Huaxing; Ke, Wei
Direct, operando observation of the bilayer solid electrolyte interphase structure: Electrolyte reduction on a non-intercalating electrode
By Lee, Christopher H.; Dura, Joseph A.; LeBar, Amy; DeCaluwe, Steven C.
Drug-like properties and complete physicochemical profile of pyrazine?2?amidoxime: A combined multi-experimental and computational studies
By Chylewska, Agnieszka; Biedulska, Ma?gorzata; G??bocka, Angelika; Raczy?ska, Ewa D.; Makowski, Mariusz
Fine Tuning of Functional Features of the CuA Site by Loop-Directed Mutagenesis
By Zitare, Ulises A.; Szuster, Jonathan; Santalla, Mar
Demonstration of Photovoltaic Action and Enhanced Stability from a Quasi-Two-Dimensional Hybrid Organic
By Fabian, David M.; Ziller, Joseph W.; Solis-Ibarra, Diego; Ardo, Shane
Sustainable Dual-Mode Smart Windows for Energy-Efficient Buildings
By Nunes, S
Reaction Mechanisms for Long-Life Rechargeable Zn/MnO2 Batteries
By Li, Yun; Wang, Shanyu; Salvador, James R.; Wu, Jinpeng; Liu, Bo; Yang, Wanli; Yang, Jiong; Zhang, Wenqing; Liu, Jun; Yang, Jihui
Predictable Substituent Control of CoIII/II Redox Potential and Spin Crossover in Bis(dipyridylpyrrolide)cobalt Complexes
By McPherson, James N.; Hogue, Ross W.; Akogun, Folaranmi Sunday; Bond
An Unconventional Iron Nickel Catalyst for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction
By Song, Fang; Busch, Michael M.; Lassalle-Kaiser, Benedikt; Hsu, Chia-Shuo; Petkucheva, Elitsa; Bensimon, Micha

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