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Literature Database

We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication.

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Influence of Side-Chain Chemistry on Structure and Ionic Conduction Characteristics of Polythiophene Derivatives: A Computational and Experimental Study
By Dong, Ban Xuan; Nowak, Christian; Onorato, Jonathan W.; Strzalka, Joseph; Escobedo, Fernando A.; Luscombe, Christine K.; Nealey, Paul F.; Patel, Shrayesh N.
H/D Isotope Effects Reveal Factors Controlling Catalytic Activity in Co-Based Oxides for Water Oxidation
By Pasquini, Chiara; Zaharieva, Ivelina; Gonz
Ligand-Triggered Tunable Charge Transfer toward Multifarious Photoreduction Catalysis
By Li, Tao; Li, Yu-Bing; Dai, Xiao-Cheng; Huang, Ming-Hui; He, Yunhui; Xiao, Guangcan; Xiao, Fang-Xing
Dependance of Poly(acrylic acid) Interfacial Adhesion on the Nanostructure of Electrodeposited ZnO Films
By Meinderink, Dennis; Orive, Alejandro Gonzalez; Ewertowski, Simon; Giner, Ignacio; Grundmeier, Guido
Decoupling Effects of Surface Recombination and Barrier Height on p-Si(111) Photovoltage in Semiconductor|Liquid Junctions via Molecular Dipoles and Metal Oxides
By Boucher, Dylan G.; Speller, James R.; Han, Ruirui; Osterloh, Frank E.; Rose, Michael J.
Tweaking the Molecular Geometry of a Tetraperylenediimide Acceptor
By Han, Han; Ma, Lik-Kuen; Zhang, Lin; Guo, Yikun; Li, Yunke; Yu, Han; Ma, Wei; Yan, He; Zhao, Dahui
Uniform Nitrogen and Sulfur Co-doped Carbon Bowls for the Electrocatalyzation of Oxygen Reduction
By Li, Xiaobao; Gao, Xiaohong; Xu, Peiyan; You, Chenghang; Sun, Wei; Wang, Xianghui; Lin, Qiang; Liao, Shijun
Co-Substitution Enhances the Rate Capability and Stabilizes the Cyclic Performance of O3-Type Cathode NaNi0.45
By Zhou, Chaojin; Yang, Lichun; Zhou, Chaogang; Lu, Bin; Liu, Jiangwen; Ouyang, Liuzhang; Hu, Renzong; Liu, Jun; Zhu, Min
Electrodes as Polarizing Functional Groups: Correlation between Hammett Parameters and Electrochemical Polarization
By Sarkar, Sohini; Patrow, Joel G.; Voegtle, Matthew J.; Pennathur, Anuj K.; Dawlaty, Jahan M.
Highly Active Ir/TiO2 Electrodes for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction Using Atomic Layer Deposition on Ordered Porous Substrates
By Schlicht, Stefanie; B

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