Copper-Coupled Electron Transfer in Colloidal Plasmonic Copper-Sulfide Nanocrystals Probed by in Situ Spectroelectrochemistry
By Hartstein, Kimberly H.; Brozek, Carl K.; Hinterding, Stijn O. M.; Gamelin, Daniel R.
2018 |
Electrochemical Stripping to Recover Nitrogen from Source-Separated Urine
By Tarpeh, William A.; Barazesh, James M.; Cath, Tzahi Y.; Nelson, Kara L.
2018 |
Lanthanum Derivative from
By D
2018 |
Well-Coupled Nanohybrids Obtained by Component-Controlled Synthesis and in Situ Integration of MnxPdy Nanocrystals on Vulcan Carbon for Electrocatalytic Oxygen Reduction
By Lu, Yanan; Zhao, Shulin; Yang, Rui; Xu, Dongdong; Yang, Jing; Lin, Yue; Shi, Nai-En; Dai, Zhihui; Bao, Jianchun; Han, Min
2018 |
Electronic Conductivity in Biomimetic ?-Helical Peptide Nanofibers and Gels
By Ing, Nicole L.; Spencer, Ryan K.; Luong, Son H.; Nguyen, Hung D.; Hochbaum, Allon I.
2018 |
Bioinspired Strategy for Controlled Polymerization and Photopatterning of Plant Polyphenols
By Behboodi-Sadabad, Farid; Zhang, Huijie; Trouillet, Vanessa; Welle, Alexander; Plumer
2018 |
Novel Composite Polymer Electrolytes of PVdF-HFP Derived by Electrospinning with Enhanced Li-Ion Conductivities for Rechargeable Lithium
By M. Shanthi, Pavithra; J. Hanumantha, Prashanth; Albuquerque, Taciana; Gattu, Bharat; Kumta, Prashant N.
2018 |
Influence of the Capping Ligand on the Band Gap and Electronic Levels of PbS Nanoparticles through Surface Atomistic Arrangement Determination
By Garcia-Gutierrez, Diana Fabiola; Hernandez-Casillas, Laura Patricia; Cappellari, Maria Victoria; Fungo, Fernando; Mart
2018 |
Co-production of Hydrogen and Copper from Copper Waste Using a Thermochemical Cu
By Khalid, Farrukh; Dincer, Ibrahim; Rosen, Marc A.
2018 |
High-Purity Lithium Metal Films from Aqueous Mineral Solutions
By Mashtalir, Olha; Nguyen, Minh; Bodoin, Emilie; Swonger, Larry; O
2018 |