Literature Database
We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication.
If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and link and we will gladly add it to our database.
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Publication | Date |
High-Index Faceted Porous Co3O4 Nanosheets with Oxygen Vacancies for Highly Efficient Water Oxidation
By Wei, Renjie; Fang, Ming; Dong, Guofa; Lan, Changyong; Shu, Lei; Zhang, Heng; Bu, Xiuming; Ho, Johnny C. |
2018 |
Reduced Graphene Oxide-Incorporated SnSb@CNF Composites as Anodes for High-Performance Sodium-Ion Batteries
By Jia, Hao; Dirican, Mahmut; Chen, Chen; Zhu, Jiadeng; Zhu, Pei; Yan, Chaoyi; Li, Ya; Dong, Xia; Guo, Jiansheng; Zhang, Xiangwu |
2018 |
Cation-Assisted Formation of Porous TiO2
By Liu, Guoxue; Li, Wei; Bi, Ran; Atangana Etogo, Christian; Yu, Xin-Yao; Zhang, Lei |
2018 |
New Insights into the Compositional Dependence of Li-Ion Transport in Polymer
By Zheng, Jin; Hu, Yan-Yan |
2018 |
Understanding Signal and Background in a Thermally Resolved, Single-Branched DNA Assay Using Square Wave Voltammetry
By Somasundaram, Subramaniam; Holtan, Mark D.; Easley, Christopher J. |
2018 |
Nanoceria-Supported Ruthenium(0) Nanoparticles: Highly Active and Stable Catalysts for Hydrogen Evolution from Water
By Demir, Elif; Akbayrak, Serdar; |
2018 |
Ultrathin Co3O4 Nanomeshes for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction
By Li, Ying; Li, Fu-Min; Meng, Xin-Ying; Li, Shu-Ni; Zeng, Jing-Hui; Chen, Yu |
2018 |
o-Carborane, Ferrocene, and Phthalocyanine Triad for High-Mobility Organic Field-Effect Transistors
By Nar, Ilg?n; Atsay, Arma?an; Alt?ndal, Ahmet; Hamuryudan, Esin |
2018 |
Hexagonal Boron Nitride: The Thinnest Insulating Barrier to Microbial Corrosion
By Chilkoor, Govinda; Karanam, Sushma Priyanka; Star, Shane; Shrestha, Namita; Sani, Rajesh K.; Upadhyayula, Venkata K.K.; Ghoshal, Debjit; Koratkar, Nikhil A.; Meyyappan, M.; Gadhamshetty, Venkataramana |
2018 |
Anisotropic Electronic Characteristics, Adsorption, and Stability of Low-Index BiVO4 Surfaces for Photoelectrochemical Applications
By Hu, Jun; Chen, Wei; Zhao, Xin; Su, Haibin; Chen, Zhong |
2018 |