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Literature Database

We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication.

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Correlating Morphological Evolution of Li Electrodes with Degrading Electrochemical Performance of Li/LiCoO2 and Li/S Battery Systems: Investigated by Synchrotron X-ray Phase Contrast Tomography
By Sun, Fu; Osenberg, Markus; Dong, Kang; Zhou, Dong; Hilger, Andr
A Sulfonate-Functionalized Viologen Enabling Neutral Cation Exchange, Aqueous Organic Redox Flow Batteries toward Renewable Energy Storage
By DeBruler, Camden; Hu, Bo; Moss, Jared; Luo, Jian; Liu, T. Leo
Control of Growth Front Evolution by Bi Additives during ZnAu Electrodeposition
By Park, Jeung Hun; Schneider, Nicholas M.; Steingart, Daniel A.; Deligianni, Hariklia; Kodambaka, Suneel; Ross, Frances M.
Competitive Multiple-Mechanism-Driven Electrochemiluminescent Detection of 8-Hydroxy-2?-deoxyguanosine
By Lv, Yanqin; Chen, Shiyu; Shen, Yanfei; Ji, Jingjing; Zhou, Qing; Liu, Songqin; Zhang, Yuanjian
Room-Temperature Turkevich Method: Formation of Gold Nanoparticles at the Speed of Mixing Using Cyclic Oxocarbon Reducing Agents
By Larm, Nathaniel E.; Essner, Jeremy B.; Pokpas, Keagan; Canon, James A.; Jahed, Nazeem; Iwuoha, Emmanuel I.; Baker, Gary A.
Improving the Optoelectronic Properties of Mesoporous TiO2 by Cobalt Doping for High-Performance Hysteresis-free Perovskite Solar Cells
By Sidhik, Siraj; Cerdan Pasar
Redox-Driven Restructuring of FeMnZr-Oxygen Carriers Enhances the Purity and Yield of H2 in a Chemical Looping Process
By Hosseini, Davood; Donat, Felix; Kim, Sung Min; Bernard, Laetitia; Kierzkowska, Agnieszka M.; M
In Situ Engineering of Double-Phase Interface in Mo/Mo2C Heteronanosheets for Boosted Hydrogen Evolution Reaction
By Xiong, Jie; Li, Jing; Shi, Jiawei; Zhang, Xinlei; Suen, Nian-Tzu; Liu, Zhao; Huang, Yunjie; Xu, Guoxiao; Cai, Weiwei; Lei, Xinrong; Feng, Ligang; Yang, Zehui; Huang, Liang; Cheng, Hansong
Surface-Initiated Polymer/Ionic Liquid Gel Films
By Deng, Xuanli; Njoroge, Ian; Jennings, G. Kane
In Situ Growth of Layered Bimetallic ZnCo Hydroxide Nanosheets for High-Performance All-Solid-State Pseudocapacitor
By Pan, Zhichang; Jiang, Yingchang; Yang, Peiyu; Wu, Zeyi; Tian, Wenchao; Liu, Liu; Song, Yun; Gu, Qinfen; Sun, Dalin; Hu, Linfeng

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