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Literature Database

We have compiled this database of articles where people have used a Gamry System in their research. Search by Author, Publication Title, Publisher, Year Published or simply by relevant keywords. The Abstract of the article will be available with a link to the complete publication.

If you have published an article using a Gamry Instruments System and do not see it in this list, send an email to us with Title, Abstract and link and we will gladly add it to our database.

Publication Date
Introducing catalyst in alkaline membrane for improved performance direct borohydride fuel cells
By Qin, Haiying; Lin, Longxia; Chu, Wen; Jiang, Wei; He, Yan; Shi, Qiao; Deng, Yonghong; Ji, Zhenguo; Liu, Jiabin; Tao, Shanwen
Experimental study of effect of anolyte concentration and electrical potential on electrolyzer performance in thermochemical hydrogen production using the Cu-Cl cycle
By Vaghasia, Rahul; Jianu, Ofelia A.; Rosen, Marc A.
A multimodal microtool for spatially controlled infrared neural stimulation in the deep brain tissue
By Horv
Electrocatalytic hydrogen production on GCE/RGO/Au hybrid electrode
By Kayan, Didem Balun; Ko
Highly Fluorinated Interphases Enable High-Voltage Li-Metal Batteries
By Fan, Xiulin; Chen, Long; Ji, Xiao; Deng, Tao; Hou, Singyuk; Chen, Ji; Zheng, Jing; Wang, Fei; Jiang, Jianjun; Xu, Kang; Wang, Chunsheng
Treatment of landfill leachate by a combined process: Iron electrodissolution, iron oxidation by H2O2 and chemical flocculation
By Donneys-Victoria, Dayana; Marriaga-Cabrales, Nilson; Camargo-Amado, Rub
Effect of carbon nanotubes and aluminum oxide on the properties of a plasma sprayed thermal barrier coating
By Thakare, J. G.; Mulik, R. S.; Mahapatra, M. M.
3D red phosphorus/sheared CNT sponge for high performance lithium-ion battery anodes
By Yuan, Tao; Ruan, Jiafeng; Peng, Chengxin; Sun, Hao; Pang, Yuepeng; Yang, Junhe; Ma, Zi-Feng; Zheng, Shiyou
CVD grown graphene as catalyst for acid electrolytes
By Yazici, M. Suha; Azder, M. Akif; Salihoglu, Omer
Nitrogen and sulfur dual-doped carbon films as flexible free-standing anodes for Li-ion and Na-ion batteries
By Ruan, Jiafeng; Yuan, Tao; Pang, Yuepeng; Luo, Sainan; Peng, Chengxin; Yang, Junhe; Zheng, Shiyou

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