Novel ultrathin Bi2O3 nanowires for supercapacitor electrode materials with high performance
By Qiu, Yongfu; Fan, Hongbo; Chang, Xueyi; Dang, Haifeng; Luo, Qun; Cheng, Zhiyu
2018 |
Polyacrylic acid-Nafion composites as stable catalyst support in PEM fuel cell electrodes
By Kayarkatte, Manoj Krishna; Delikaya,
2018 |
Improved corrosion behavior of ultrafine-grained eutectic Al-12Si alloy produced by selective laser melting
By Yang, Yan; Chen, Yang; Zhang, Junxi; Gu, Xinhui; Qin, Peng; Dai, Nianwei; Li, Xiaopeng; Kruth, Jean-Pierre; Zhang, Lai-Chang
2018 |
Microbial desalination cell with sulfonated sodium poly(ether ether ketone) as cation exchange membranes for enhancing power generation and salt reduction
By Moruno, Francisco Lopez; Rubio, Juan E.; Atanassov, Plamen; Cerrato, Jos
2018 |
Melamine derivatives as effective corrosion inhibitors for mild steel in acidic solution: Chemical, electrochemical, surface and DFT studies
By Verma, Chandrabhan; Haque, J.; Ebenso, Eno E.; Quraishi, M. A.
2018 |
Distinction of corrosion resistance of selective laser melted Al-12Si alloy on different planes
By Chen, Yang; Zhang, Junxi; Gu, Xinhui; Dai, Nianwei; Qin, Peng; Zhang, Lai-Chang
2018 |
Experimental investigation of the thermal and cycling behavior of a lithium titanate-based lithium-ion pouch cell
By Hall, Florian; Touzri, Jonas; Wu
2018 |
Corrosion and environmental impacts during the flowback water disposal associated with the Bakken shale
By Chilkoor, Govinda; Shrestha, Namita; Soeder, Daniel; Gadhamshetty, Venkataramana
2018 |
Catalysts for composite cathodes of protonic ceramic fuel cells
By Shin, EunKyong; Shin, Minho; Lee, Hanjin; Park, Jong-Sung
2018 |
Thiosemicarbazide and thiocarbohydrazide functionalized chitosan as ecofriendly corrosion inhibitors for carbon steel in hydrochloric acid solution
By Chauhan, Dheeraj Singh; Ansari, K. R.; Sorour, A. A.; Quraishi, M. A.; Lgaz, H.; Salghi, R.
2018 |