Hierarchical Nanotubular Anatase/Rutile/TiO2(B) Heterophase Junction with Oxygen Vacancies for Enhanced Photocatalytic H2 Production
By An, Xiaoqiang; Hu, Chengzhi; Liu, Huijuan; Qu, Jiuhui
2018 |
Laminated Carbon Nanotubes for the Facile Fabrication of Cost-Effective Polymer Solar Cells
By Ali, Abid; Kazici, Mehmet; Bozar, Sinem; Keskin, Bahadir; Kaleli, Murat; Shah, Syed Mujtaba; Gunes, Serap
2018 |
Rational Synthesis and Assembly of Ni3S4 Nanorods for Enhanced Electrochemical Sodium-Ion Storage
By Deng, Jun; Gong, Qiufang; Ye, Hualin; Feng, Kun; Zhou, Junhua; Zha, Chenyang; Wu, Jinghua; Chen, Junmei; Zhong, Jun; Li, Yanguang
2018 |
Surface Photovoltage Spectroscopy Resolves Interfacial Charge Separation Efficiencies in ZnO Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
By Rodr
2018 |
Ionic Conductivity of Polyelectrolyte Hydrogels
By Lee, Chen-Jung; Wu, Haiyan; Hu, Yang; Young, Megan; Wang, Huifeng; Lynch, Dylan; Xu, Fujian; Cong, Hongbo; Cheng, Gang
2018 |
Raman Microscopy Insights on the Out-of-Plane Electrical Transport of Carbon Nanotube-Doped PEDOT:PSS Electrodes for Solar Cell Applications
By Mombr
2018 |
Strongly Coupled Metal Oxide/Reassembled Carbon Nitride/Co
By An, Xiaoqiang; Hu, Chengzhi; Lan, Huachun; Liu, Huijuan; Qu, Jiuhui
2018 |
General Synthesis of 3D Ordered Macro-/Mesoporous Materials by Templating Mesoporous Silica Confined in Opals
By Sun, Tingting; Shan, Nannan; Xu, Lianbin; Wang, Jiexin; Chen, Jianfeng; Zakhidov, Anvar A.; Baughman, Ray H.
2018 |
Self-Healing Phenomenon Observed During Capacity-Control Cycling of Freestanding Si-Based Composite Paper Anodes for Li-Ion Batteries
By Yao, Kang; Zheng, Jim P.; Liang, Zhiyong
2018 |
Enhancement of Lithium-Ion Transport in Poly(acrylonitrile) with Hydrogen Titanate Nanotube Fillers as Solid Polymer Electrolytes for Lithium-Ion Battery Applications
By Pignanelli, Fernando; Romero, Mariano; Faccio, Ricardo; Fern
2018 |